Lindsay’s Story: 31 Days Using CBD

Please note: This has been edited for formatting purposes as well as length. Also, Lindsay’s name has been changed for her privacy. 

My name is Lindsay, and I’m a 34-year-old wife and mother of three children living near Sarasota, Florida. I work part-time from home while my two older children are at elementary school and while my youngest goes to preschool. I live a busy life, but have been slowed down over the last couple of years due to some health issues.

To give a little background, my husband and I were driving home from a date night in July of 2016, when a car driving 70+ MPH rear-ended us on the highway. Thankfully, all of us survived. The car that slammed into us was driven by a drunk person, and we were fortunate that we drove a large SUV. The car absorbed a lot of the impact, but not all of it.

My husband walked away with some soreness that was taken care of with a few sessions of physical therapy. I don’t know if it was the way that I was sitting or what, but I was in excruciating pain. I managed to get hurt in a way that compressed two of the disks in my upper back. My doctors thought of a few different ways to help me alleviate the pain, but ultimately surgery was the only viable option to help get me some relief.

I went in for surgery a week after the car accident to fix my damaged disks. I was out of the hospital a few days later, and began the rehabilitation for my back. Fortunately, I had no issues walking, just with recurring bouts of pain. Having a father who was addicted to pain killers towards the end of his life, I really didn’t want to flirt with a similar fate. I HAD to find a way to make sure that I didn’t experience recurring pain, but without narcotics.

Fast forward to about 9 months after my surgery, my back was still giving me some trouble. Nothing unbearable, but still a lingering pain that would come back and last for a few hours at a time.

This pain would affect my ability to stand for an extended period of time, lift my daughter, and do regular things around the house, like cooking and bending down to pick things up.

I tried all kinds of remedies to try to overcome these bouts of pain. I’ve tried an inversion table, massage, physical therapy, and using Advil 3x a day. I didn’t want to ruin my kidneys, so I stopped with the over-the-counter medications. It’s been a struggle when I get these pain flare-ups. Fortunately, they are down to a few times per week and not daily like it used to be.

Recently, I was approached by a friend about doing a test of trying out CBD oil everyday for the month of October. I said, “what the heck, why not?” since I really didn’t have anything to lose.

Here was my daily regimen:

  • Wake up at 6:00am
  • Drink water, take 1 dropper full of the 300mg bottle of CBD Pure
  • Eat breakfast
  • Kids to school, run errands, or work – depending on the day
  • 11:00am: Take 1 dropper full of 300mg CBD Pure
  • Eat lunch
  • More errands/work/kid stuff
  • 5:00pm: Take 1 dropper full of 300mg CBD Pure
  • Eat dinner

Three times a day, each day for the month of October – so a total of 31 days.

When I started, I was experiencing flare-ups in my back about three times a week.

  • For the first week, I noticed no change in my back pain. I had two flare-ups of back pain.
  • The second week, I noticed that I had only one minor flare-up after doing some heavy lifting in my garage.
  • By the third week of taking CBD oil three times a day, I noticed that I hadn’t had any flare ups.
  • This was the same for the fourth week – no flare-ups!

The last two weeks I haven’t had any flare-ups of back pain for the first time since my car accident. Is this a coincidence or just luck? Doubtful. It’s definitely not a placebo effect, since I still noticed a little pain on weeks 1 and 2. I’ve been made a believer in CBD oil and the power it can bring to those of us who are suffering from chronic pain issues.

Please speak with your doctor before you start any new supplements. Make sure you’re using proper medical practices, and don’t take your health into your own hands… trust an expert. My doctor had no problem with me trying CBD oil, he just couldn’t prescribe it to me because it’s only over-the-counter.

When I take it, I don’t notice any other feeling. I’m definitely not “high” and it doesn’t affect anything else during the day, so if you’ve been afraid of it because of its association with hemp, don’t be.

I’m totally sold on the benefits of CBD oil, and hope that my story can help other people alleviate pain they might be dealing with.

Lindsay P., Florida

We thank Lindsay for sharing her story with our website’s readers!

Lindsay was compensated for her time, and was given a 6-month supply at no cost. Not all results will be typical. Please consult with your doctor prior to taking any supplements.

If you would like to try CBD oil, we highly recommend CBD Pure. With any purchase, you’ll receive a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee and discreet shipping direct to your home or office.