Can CBD Oil Help with Arthritis?

It’s amazing what pain can do to your joints. Arthritis can do a number on the body. Not only does it affect everyone differently, but there are several forms. It’s not understood well and isn’t a single disease. In fact there are over 100 different kinds and conditions that relate to arthritis. It affects more than 50,000 people in the US and even children experience some forms. Women are the common culprits and as we age, it becomes more popular.

Swelling of the joints, stiffness and pain are all symptoms of arthritis. They come and go over time. Some people find relief in over the counter pills. As time progresses, it can grow in severity. Chronic pain becomes something some deal with daily making even the simplest activities impossible to accomplish. Joint changes can become permanent such as knobby fingers and other damage can only be seen on x-rays. Surprisingly, some damage affects the eyes, kidneys, lungs and even skin.

Some of the types of arthritis people deal with daily include:

  • Degenerative arthritis
  • Metabolic arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Infectious arthritis
  • Inflammatory arthritis
  • Degenerative arthritis

When it comes to treating arthritis, there are several options available. While some forms can’t be completely cured, symptoms can be treated. It’s important to learn as much as you can about the disease to better understand what treatment option is best for you. While some get relief from over the counter pills, others choose to research other methods.

CBD oil is one of these alternatives. It’s been known to help with reducing pain and discomfort with health conditions.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil comes from cannabidiol. It’s a chemical that’s found in marijuana and hemp plants. The benefit is no feeling of being high. This feeling of getting high (psychoactive) comes from THC. CBD is a non-psychoactive component to the marijuana plant. CBD offers an alternative to treating chronic pain. It eliminates the dependence on opioids and other medications that become habit-forming.

There are several components and chemicals to cannabis. THC is one of them. This is a psychoactive component. CBD doesn’t change your mental state like THC does. CBD oil comes in various forms allowing people to choose the right one for them. Every form of CBD oil has a different amount in them.

Many people use cannabis for recreational purposes and there seems to be a lot of controversy around the topic. There’s some controversy about the medicinal use of the ingredients from marijuana plants.

CBD is extracted from the plants and the THC component is eliminated. CBD oil has been known to help people with many ailments from chronic pain, inflammation, and more. Arthritis sufferers have reported relief from pain as well.

With arthritis being one of the leading causes of a disability CBD can help with the pain associated with it. Arthritis affects more than 50 million people in the US. The two common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

In a study done in 2011 on rats CBD was found to help with reducing inflammation by affecting how pain receptors respond to the stimuli. There was also a study done in 2014 concluding that CBD is effective for treating osteoarthritis. Research continues to be done to further determine how beneficial CBD oil is to arthritis sufferers.

With the use of CBD oil, people can experience decreased pain and the need to use opiates. Side effects from other medications are reduced. NSAID use is eliminates also. If you plan on using CBD oil to help with your arthritis pain, you may want to check with your primary doctor to be sure it’s right for you. Some medications can interfere with this oil. It’s recommended to start with a lower dose especially if you are new to using.

Is CBD Oil Legal and Safe?

There are many concerns on whether CBD oil is legal or not. While THC is not legal, there are other components, such as CBD oil that aren’t harmful to the body. This is because the psychoactive component isn’t present.

Another concern is whether it’s safe. Simply put, the answer is yes. The risks that come with use of CBD oil are low. There are no cases of overdose or altered mental status with use.

Forms of CBD Oil

CBD oil can be used in several ways. CBD oil can be used in a lotion form for topical use. There are also e-cigs that allow you to inhale it. Some people find this form to be more effective as it enters the body in a more effective way. Dietary supplements are available also. Some people aren’t too fond of taking a pill daily. The form used is more of a personal option.

Topical creams and oils are great if you want to use CBD oil for targeted relief. This can include joint pain in the knees, hands and other areas.

CBD oil comes with no addiction. Because you don’t get the feeling of being high or stoned, using CBD oil daily is possible. People report relief over an extended use. Not only is inflammation reduced, but people are able to open jars and kneel without pain.

Arthritis can be a debilitating disease to live with. Treating it doesn’t have to be a chore or something impossible. It can cause pain and inflammation that many people can suffer with and feel hopeless about. With the many scientific studies and extensive research being done CBD oil is becoming more and more widely known to sufferers.

Not only can CBD oil help with seizures, chronic pain, and even depression, but arthritis pain is now being resolved. CBD oil contains hemp which contains terpens. Terpens are an analgesic which is well-known for relieving pain. Pain is relieved with arthritis in joints.

If you’re looking for relief to your pain and suffering, CBD oil may be one avenue to research. If you’re taking over the counter pills or other medications with no relief, you may want to consider giving this alternative a shot. After all, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

To check out our recommended CBD oil products, visit CBD Pure.