CBD Hemp Oil Tincture

When looking at the multitude of CBD oil products, you may be overwhelmed by all of the different options. One of the things we’d like to do is to help you better understand what’s available for you to try. A frequently asked question about CBD oil is, “what’s the difference between a marijuana-based oil and a hemp-based oil?” A CBD hemp oil tincture is a liquid form of cannabidiol that’s made from the hemp plant. When someone takes a marijuana-based CBD oil, they are taking in THC, the compound that gets people “high.”

What is a CBD Hemp Oil Tincture?

A tincture is a liquid supplement, generally taken under the tongue with a dropper. Most dropper sizes are 1mL, which ends up being about 1/2 the dropper, but please double-check based upon which brand you buy.

Hemp CBD tincture is extracted from hemp plants using CO2 (carbon dioxide) and then bottled up.

Hemp vs. Marijuana
A CBD hemp oil tincture is NOT a marijuana-based supplement. In fact, it contains THC levels that are not detected in modern testing. This is one of the reasons that we encourage people who are drug tested to try these supplements. If you’re wondering about whether or not your CBD hemp oil tincture will cause you to fail a drug test, take a look at this blog post on CBD and drug tests.

You won’t find many hemp-based tinctures at dispensaries. They typically sell marijuana-based products. Since a CBD hemp oil contains no marijuana, it’s not a popular item to carry on their shelves.

Instead, you’ll be able to buy a quality product from a reputable manufacturer. We currently recommend one manufacturer for CBD hemp oil – CBD Pure. We’ve read through their laboratory reports and found that their brand of CBD oil clears all of the rigorous testing that we care about.

Taking a CBD Hemp Oil Tincture
We recommend taking CBD Pure. It’s the brand we’ve recommended here for the last two years for several reasons:

– We’ve met the owners of the company, and know their reasons behind starting this brand in the first place.
– We have reviewed their independent laboratory testing showing the non-detected levels of THC, meaning the CBD oil you take from them has NO marijuana. It’s a safe, hemp-based product.
– Their testing standards are incredibly rigorous. They test their hemp plants at cultivation, extraction, and again after it has been turned into a hemp oil tincture.

We can’t recommend products to people if we haven’t tried them first-hand. That’s why I made sure that I was fully satisfied with CBD Pure before recommending it to my readers.

Taking this supplement is incredibly easy.

  1. First, you order a bottle by visiting CBD Pure.
  2. Next, you should receive your bottle (if you live in the Continental US) within a few days.
  3. If you’re dealing with trouble sleeping, wait until nighttime to try it out. If chronic pain, anxiety, or stress is what you’d like help with, go ahead and take it anytime of day.
  4. Fill up half the dropper, and squeeze the tincture under your tongue. Hold it there for 60 seconds before swallowing it.
  5. The recommended dose is twice daily, or as needed.

Each bottle of CBD Pure contains 2 fluid ounces of tincture, and it comes in 3 different sizes, including CBD softgels.

Who Should Try a Hemp CBD Oil Tincture?
If you’re someone who has been struggling with trouble sleeping, stress, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pains or aches, you may be able to benefit by adding cannabidiol (CBD) to your supplement regimen.

The scientific data that has emerged regarding the benefits of CBD oil have been overwhelming!

You don’t have anything to lose and a lot to gain by giving a healthy, 100% pure CBD oil tincture a try. If you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us using the contact form on our site. We’d love to help you figure out if this type of supplement might be for you.