CBD Oil Softgels by CBD Pure

These days, people everywhere are interested in learning how CBD oil can benefit their health. With growing popularity, there are questions people may have regarding what form to use and how much to take. With many benefits it offers, learning what form will work best for you is recommended.

CBD oil has become a popular method for treating and managing certain ailments. CBD is just one of many components found in marijuana. It’s often referred to as cannabidiol. CBD has become appealing to many as it takes away the high feeling you experience with THC. THC is the primary component whereas CBD isn’t psychoactive. CBD oil has helped numerous people find relief with chronic pain and other symptoms. It takes away the mind-altering effects THC has on the body.

CBD oil comes from the hemp plant. It’s made by being diluted with an oil such as hemp seed or coconut oil. CBD is a lot different than other components found in marijuana including THC. It interacts with certain receptors found in the body, but not as much as THC does. The oil interacts with both CB1 receptors which are found primarily in the brain. CB2 receptors are primarily found in the immune system.

However, because CBD oil isn’t as effective on these receptors, it doesn’t offer a mind-altering effect people experience while they are high. The benefits CBD oil can offer are immense.

Advantages of Using CBD Pure Softgels

When taking CBD oil in softgel form you get the daily dose you need in the convenience of an easy to swallow capsule. The oil absorbs in the digestive system allowing the liver to break down the softgels and distributing the oil throughout the bloodstream in the body.

Because you are swallowing a softgel, you eliminate measuring out oil every time you want to take it. It takes away the mess it can make trying to get the right amount and then swallowing a gulp of oil. This isn’t exactly appealing to some nor is the taste something to brag about.

Softgel capsules are legalized in the US which is great for traveling purposes. Keeping them in your medicine cabinet is convenient as well. It allows you to grab one in the morning while you’re doing your morning routine.

Because they offer a better shelf life, they last longer than oil in a bottle. They come in a bottle small enough to fit in your medicine cupboard. As if you don’t have enough bottles lined up already, right? Take the bottle with you even on the go without worry of oil spilling on clothes. Keep them wherever you go!

Because they come in a pill form, it eliminates the taste of eating “grass” as some people have reported. Hemp for instance can have a sense of eating grass which can’t be appealing to some.

Because they come in a softgel form, it’s also convenient to toss is some other vital nutrients and vitamins you may want to incorporate into your health. Some of these vitamins and minerals you may find in softgels include:

  • Calcium
  • Terpenes
  • Protein
  • Vitamins E, C and A
  • B-complex
  • Magneisum
  • Essential fatty acids

While there are no real dangers of taking CBD oil in other forms, many people choose to take a softgel as it delivers the ideal amount to the body. Some people choose to smoke which can be beneficial, but softgels eliminates the smoking aspect which can have some negative effects just as smoking tobacco.

Amongst many other factors, pills won’t leave a smell in your home. CBD oil can be smoked in vape pens. Even that can leave behind a smell that becomes unappealing over time. Smoke of any kind can ruin walls and leave a home with a faint smell. It can linger behind in fabrics, clothing, and even furniture in the home.

For individuals who suffer with asthma and other respiratory conditions, you may notice symptoms may become worse than they once were. CBD oil pills can be a better alternative to deliver adequate amounts of oil through the system without harming the lungs.

There are several benefits people have experienced while taking these pills and listed below are just a few.

Relieves Chronic Pain

Sufferers of pain know how hard everyday life can be. Something as simple as getting out of bed feels like a chore. Scientists continue doing research discovering that endocannabinoid is found in the body as a system on its own. CBD oil can interact with the transmitters created in this system. This means CBD helps reduce pain by attaching to these receptors. This reduces inflammation due to its interaction with neurotransmitters.


We all suffer with acne at some point or another in our lives. Some worse off than others and with CBD oil you may have a decreased amount of it. Studies have been published showing how CBD helps treat acne. It works by acting on sebaceous glands and can help with inflammation. It inhibits lipid synthesis in the skin allowing users to see a reduction in the number of breakouts they experience.

Depression and Anxiety

Because CBD interacts with receptors found in the brain, individuals everywhere are noticing an increase in t heir overall mood. People who once spent their days curled up in bed are now getting up and enjoying life. CBD works on the brain and increases serotonin, which we all know is the “feel good” hormone. With an increase in production, overall mood is improved. Social behavior benefits from continued use as well. It helps people addicted to benzodiazepines take a more natural approach.

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to incorporate into your life, CBD Pure Softgels can be a great way to go. People these days are seeing how beneficial continued use can be. With all the research studies being done, it’s no wonder people are making the switch. Not only are individuals experiencing improved lifestyles, they are seeing changes to their health overall. See what CBD can do for you!