How Do You Take CBD Oil?

Alright, so you’ve read the articles. You’ve seen the advertisements online. Maybe your friends have told you about it… Now you’re ready to take the plunge and try CBD oil to find relief. How do you take CBD oil?

Taking CBD Oil as a Tincture

One of the most common ways of taking CBD oil is as a tincture. A tincture is a bottle of any supplement in liquid form that generally contains an eye dropper. When you’re ready to take your supplement, you open the bottle, squeeze the dropper to fill it with the appropriate amount of the supplement and now you’re ready to squeeze the dropper wherever you plan on putting the liquid.

When I (your humble writer) take my CBD oil supplement in the evening, I grab a dropper full of my 600mg CBD and place it under my tongue. I hold it under my tongue for about 30 seconds so that it can be absorbed quickly, then I swallow it down.

The consistency of my chosen CBD oil is about as thick as any standard cooking oil, such has olive oil. It doesn’t have a strong taste to it. If you’re sensitive about tastes, just have a glass of water or juice on hand to “chase” the supplement down with.

My 9-year-old son has struggled with anxiety for the last few years, so we’ve given him CBD Pure on a regular basis to help him sleep better. Talk about a kid with sensitive taste buds! When he started taking it, he’d ask for a glass of water right after taking it… Now, he doesn’t ask for it. The flavor is your least concern when it comes to CBD Pure. What you really care about is whether or not it’s actually going to help you!

When to Take CBD Oil

Simply put: It depends. What is it that you’re taking CBD to help with?

If you’re struggling with anxiety or stress-related issues that may be caused by work, maybe you’d like to take it in the morning before your breakfast. It’s pretty common for people with anxiety issues to take CBD to overcome these challenges. The morning makes a lot of sense, because it’ll help keep you calm and focused for your normally-stressful workday.

Perhaps chronic pain is a problem for you. CBD oil has helped a lot of people with pain relief. When does your pain flare up? If it’s something that happens towards the end of the day, it’d make sense to take your supplement in the afternoon. If you’re sore as soon as you wake up, take it with your morning supplements. It all depends upon what’s ailing you and when.

Sleep disturbances are common for people who deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD for short. Can CBD oil help you improve sleep?  You bet it can. Simply take a dropper of CBD oil as part of your bedtime routine for a good night’s rest. Friends of mine who have struggled with PTSD and sleep issues have said that CBD oil helped them to sleep “deeper” as well as to help them stay asleep. There’s no grogginess associated with taking a CBD oil supplement, and it’s definitely not a “high” like smoking or ingesting marijuana.

Trying CBD Oil for the First Time?

Full disclosure: I’m not a marijuana smoker. In fact, my line of work prohibits me from using any type of “drug” like marijuana. I couldn’t risk my career, and therefore didn’t want to use marijuana to help me with my anxiety.

When I found CBD Pure, I gave it a try. My thought was, “What do I have to lose? I’m already struggling as it is…” With CBD Pure I’ve been able to live a lot more normal life with less stress and greater happiness. Stress and anxiety don’t rule my life like they used to, and I can genuinely say that I’m a happier person.

Since it’s non-psychoactive, you don’t have to worry about a “high” that marijuana smokers get. I can fully function after taking CBD oil; it’s essentially like taking an Omega 3 supplement or multivitamin.

The financial investment is minimal. Heck, try just a single month… I’d bet you dollars to donuts that you’ll reorder after you try it.

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