CBD for Soreness: Can it Help Muscles and Joints?

CBD for Soreness

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD has been a highly talked about, slightly controversial, and definitely a misunderstood topic. It was discovered in 1940 but has only recently begun to be studied for its medical purposes. Although CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, it does not get you high or stoned or have any other psychoactive side effects and in all but 3 states it is completely legal to buy, possess and consume CBD. CBD isn’t even included on the prohibited list put together by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

People and pets take CBD for various reasons but one of the most common reasons is to find relief from sore muscles and joints. Whether you’re experiencing muscle and joint pain due to exercise and overuse, stress and tension, an old injury or even arthritis, people and scientists alike have been praising the benefits of CBD.

There are three types of CBD:

  • Isolate – the purest form of CBD
  • Full Spectrum – CBD with added compounds
  • Broad Spectrum – CBD with few added compounds

How Does CBD Help Soreness?

Within all of us there lies an endocannabinoid system, also known as an ECS. This system is involved in everyday activities like eating and sleeping but it is also involved in pain regulation as well as your immune system.

Our bodies naturally produce neurotransmitters conveniently called endocannabinoids. These neurotransmitters react with and bind to the cannabinoid receptors in our nervous system and studies are beginning to show that CBD reacts with these receptors to help reduce pain and inflammation. 

Should I Talk to My Doctor Before Taking CBD?

Before beginning or changing anything regarding your health, you should always consult your doctor and taking CBD is no different. As studies are just coming out, not everything is known about CBD and there are some suggestions that it can impact the way other drugs are absorbed by the liver. While most interactions are a moderate to low risk, it is best to talk to your doctor before taking CBD in any form.

Does Taking CBD Have Any Side Effects?

Of course it does!

However most reported symptoms are mild, consisting of fatigue or tiredness, or if you have a sensitive stomach, you may experience some stomach discomfort. 

Where Can I Find CBD and How Do I Know What to Buy? 

There are thousands and thousands of products available on the web as well as in brick and mortar stores and finding what is right for you can be challenging and overwhelming. After getting the go ahead from your doctor or physician, you should start by asking yourself some questions. Things as simple as narrowing down the reasons why you are taking it and what way you want to take it can greatly decrease your options and make it easier to find something that suits your specific needs. 

Knowing key things about CBD will help you find the most success when it comes to finding the right thing. When buying CBD keep in mind:

  • How much CBD it contains: only buy products where it clearly states how much CBD it contains as well as suggested doses. Start out with things containing the lowest dosage of CBD and slowly add more to get the desired effect and remember to be patient especially depending on what way you are ingesting it.
  • Where the product is coming from: As this is a plant based product, you want to make sure that your choice of product is free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Not all CBD products are tested, so do your research. You can always ask for a certificate of analysis or COA. You can also check the label to see if it says ISO 17025 anywhere. This code means that the product has held up to high scientific testing and standards. 
  • What the label says: Just like most of us have learned to do with food, pay attention to what is going into whatever form of CBD you are looking to buy. Avoid products with propylene glycol and vitamin E acetate.

Before Taking CBD

Before you start taking CBD, remember that: 

  • Consulting your doctor is essential
  • CBD is a natural chemical that reacts with chemicals in your brain and nervous system
  • CBD does not get you high or make you feel high
  • You should learn to read labels
  • Everyone reacts to different doses and different methods
  • Studies are still ongoing about the benefits and side effects of taking CBD
  • Taking CBD may interact with certain medications
  • CBD is not FDA approved for anything other than epilepsy, yet
  • CBD has to contain less than .03 percent THC
  • Cheaper is not better, make sure you are buying high quality products
  • Talk to other people about their experiences but don’t expect that to be your experience
  • CBD is a great option for pets also experiencing sore muscles and joints
  • CBD is great for other things like stress, anxiety and depression

How Do You Take CBD?

CBD can be taken in several ways. Different ways serve different purposes. For example, a topical cream may be great for sore muscles after a long workout but for chronic pain it may be more helpful to take a CBD supplent. 

  • Edibles: Most things can be made to contain CBD such as gummies, candy, sweets, breads, brownies and cookies, tea,soda, beer etc. You should expect to feel relief from symptoms as soon as 20 minutes up to 60 minutes after ingestion.For the best result, eat your chosen edible on an empty stomach so that it is absorbed into the body better.
  • Smoking/Vaporizer: In most states, especially ones with dispensaries, you can find medical marijuana that is high in CBD and low in THC (the psychoactive chemical in marijuana) so that you can still smoke it but not get a high. This is the quickest way to experience relief from pain and inflammation almost immediately. 
  • Topical Solutions: Things like oils and creams are the most popular method of using CBD because you can apply it to the affected area. 

If you’re looking for a solution to help you with aches and pains, we highly recommend that you try a topical solution like CBD Pure Cream.